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[[Category:Delosian Denizens]]
[[Category:Delosian Denizens]]
:[[Jimmy]], the Penguin, resides within the Carnivalis Institute of Jestering. Rumoured to have been raised in the backstreets of the penguin world upon the ice floes of [[Kamleikan]], Jimmy is truly a menacing figure, despite only standing at a height of about two feet. Though his slick tuxedo jacket and silk dress shirt suggest a courteous demeanour, his razor-sharp beak and glowering eyes certainly do not.
:[[Jimmy]], the Penguin, resides within the Carnivalis Institute of Jestering. Rumoured to have been raised in the backstreets of the penguin world upon the ice floes of [[Kamleikan]], Jimmy is truly a menacing figure, despite only standing at a height of about two feet. Though his slick tuxedo jacket and silk dress shirt suggest a courteous demeanour, his razor-sharp beak and glowering eyes certainly do not.
[[Category:Delosian Denizens]]
:[[Cottle]], the Clown, resides within the Carnivalis Institute of Jestering. A stout [[Mhun]], he veers to the far side of insanity, shrieking shrilly and piercingly staring about himself as his painted face smiles for all eternity. His electric blue eyes, red 3-feet long shoes, green bowler hat, and questionable-looking yellow flower clip all serve to complete his image of quintessential craziness. He protects the CIJ Estate.
[[Category:Delosian Denizens]]
[[Category:Delosian Denizens]]
