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Revision as of 22:23, 17 October 2013

Daveed's Pet Supply was once a popular pet shop in New Thera, boasting its own aviary, cattery, and kennel. For over a century animal companions roamed the land before a catastrophic fire reduced the shop to a ruin. Some months later Daveed rebuilt and reopened the shop as a pet supply store, catering to former customers and artefact pet owners.


A small fish treat - 200gp
Cut into a neat cube, this bit of dried tuna flesh is the perfect size for feline snacking. Tiny whorls of white curve through the crimson flesh as evidence of the fish's fine musculature, and a bit of grey skin clings to one side. Dotting the fish are minute specks of salt and herbs, and a slightly oily scent clings to the treat.
A ball of yarn - 500gp
A great deal of woollen string is wound to create this small ball, dyed a deep blue colour. Little bits of frizz extend out from the threads in every direction, creating a plush aura of azure. Part of the yarn is unravelled, leaving a long string trailing out from the greater part of the ball.
A bag of catnip - 300gp
A small burlap bag, at most two inches in width and height, holds a quantity of some dried, dull green herb. The plant matter is broken up into small pieces and emits a faintly sharp aroma without being offensive to the senses. The bag is secured by a small string and stitched together at the edges.
A dried pig's ear- 400gp
This pink triangle of flesh glistens with a thin film of grease. The nearly translucent skin rests in a slightly wrinkled state, frozen in position as a result of the drying process. The heavy scent of pork clings to this slice of pig, and a small row of tooth imprints mar the upper edge.
A bleached bone - 200gp
Taken from the forearm or calf of some animal, this bone is complete and still filled with the marrow it possessed during the life of the creature it was attached to. The bone is, however, stripped of meat, sinew, and blood, and bleached a solid white. Thick, with a soft middle that could easily be devoured by someone or something with the taste for such a thing, the snack makes an excellent treat for any dog.
A small red ball - 500gp
Covered in red leather and held together with precise stitching, this small leather ball is about the size of a fist. Filled with some kind of lightweight material, it is the perfect size and weight for throwing.
A honeyed seed ball - 200gp
Colourful seeds and berries are mixed together in this delightful, glistening treat. Dark sunflower seed casings constrast starkly with white grass seed pellets, and bright red and blue berries complete the mottled mixture. Sweet and sticky honey shines as it holds the conglomeration together, though seeds readily fall away as the ball is jostled.
A small mirror - 1500gp
A thin wooden frame and backing support this delicate piece of glass, its surface painted silver on the opposing sider. The metallic layer creates a mirroring effect, and though the pane is no more than two inches by two inches, images of larger size can clearly be seen when viewed from a distance.
A string of small bells - 1300gp
Five tiny round bells are polished and fastened to this string, which is tied with a loop at one end. Merrily they jingle with any movement, ringing with a light, cheerful sound.
A delicious carrot - 25gp
Bright orange and with a long green stalk on the end, this pointy carrot is caked with dirt, but still smells very tasty.
A sugar cube - 25gp
Glistening granules of sugar have been pressed into a rough approximation of a cube, each side about the size of a thumbnail. The cube is a convenient bite-sized treat, tempting in its sweetness.
A shiny red apple - 25gp
The glossy red skin of this Eleusian apple shines brightly, hinting at the vibrant flavour and juicy interior that the Eleusian orchards are famed for producing.
A handful of grain - 100gp
This pile of grain is fresh and smells of the harvest. There is just enough here to fill your hand, though as loose as it is, you seem destined to lose bits of it should you pick it up. The grain has not been ground, and bits of the husk are still apparent in the collection.
a bundle of hay - 200gp
This bundle of sweet hay is fresh and crisp to touch. It would make a lovely meal for some lucky creature.
an elephant beetle - 600gp
A coat of extremely fine hair covers the length of this elephant beetle, giving the beetle a light brown appearance. All six of its legs remain hairless and black, with a few small spikes at each joint. Two sharp knobs protrude from either side of its head, accompanying the massive horn extending from its prothorax.
a golden plum - 100gp
This plump, juicy plum shines a warm shade of yellow that the natural dusty-white coating of the fruit fails to dull. Tantalizingly sweet, a tart smell exudes from the skin of the tasty treat. A small stem rises from its top, ready to be twisted off.
a dwarf blueberry - 50gp
Midnight purple, this succulent, tiny berry emits a faint, sweet smell. The fruit is less than half the size of a normal blueberry and remains near perfectly round in form. Gleaming skin stretches tight across its surface, ready to burst if the slightest pressure is applied.