Difference between revisions of "Belladona (decoy)"

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(i don't know this for sure, but the decoy Bella doesn't appear to be a "true" vampire, so I didn't categorise her as such)
(No difference)

Revision as of 21:52, 27 January 2008

Belladona, the Demon Whore, is a diversion meant to draw attention away from the real Belladona, Queen of Vampires. This impostor can be found in a hidden, opulent spectator's booth afforded with a view of the Keep of Belladona's circular arena, wherein a vicious, human-headed manticore awaits battle with contenders-to-be.

From amid her finely decorated chamber overlooking the stadium, Belladona is quite the convincing visual deceiver, perfectly matching the real Belladona's tall, impressive, and scantily clad figure, as well as her aura of deadliness and bloodthirsty evil. It is only upon the decoy's death, however, that the charade is shattered. Should it not be proof enough that the fake's strength pales in comparison to what one might expect from the true Belladona, a closer inspection of the corpse proves it was nothing more than a simulacrum of the real Belladona, to say nothing of the dread chuckling that resounds through the room following the poseur's fall into lifelessness.