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Limpo, the innkeeper, lives in the Faringian village on the island of Eirenwaar, where he runs an inn and welcomes visitors to the island. Considered the local gossip, Limpo is a short man who sports an enormous, bushy moustache that bunches up in the corners and quivers when he breaks into a smile. His mid-section protrudes from beneath his clothing, showing that he is a man who clearly enjoys the food and alcohol he serves. As a member of the Faringian tribe, he harbours an immense dislike toward the Beduri people, prohibiting his customers from even bringing up their name in his tavern.

His father, from whom Limpo inherited the inn, is the elderly woodcarver who lives in the lounge at the top of the building.

Limpo's Wares

Cup of mulled wine - 80gp
A small chunk of forest pine is crafted into a delicate drinking cup and filled with dark red wine. Sloshing about merrily within the cup, the syrupy liquid gives off the strong aroma of cinnamon and other powerful spices.
Bowl of piping hot elk stew - 200gp
A chunk of forest pine is cleverly crafted into a smooth bowl and filled with piping hot stew. Large chunks of delicious elk meat are immersed in a thick gravy along with small vegetable chunks, and the aroma of exotic herbs and spices rises tantalisingly from the dish.
Flagon of ice-cold ale - 70gp
Crafted from fine forest pine, this smooth flagon is warm to the touch despite the cold temperature of its contents. The delicate scent of ale rises from the yellow liquid within the flagon, and tiny bubbles constantly swirl throughout the drink before rising to the surface and popping gently.