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Revision as of 21:05, 14 May 2006

Dead horses be damned, I've decided to rejuvenate the "Achaea is a planet" argument with evidence from Achaea itself.

Yet, this historian cannot help but feeling that though our world was blasted and death enveloped her as never before, it is yet a day to be celebrated.

How can any energy envelop the multiverse save Chaos itself? This would imply that the Morning Star is outside of our multiverse, when it was in fact right here on the Prime Material Plane, as visible from Sapience itself.

But the heavens have their celestial dance, and as this sun danced its slow, stately dance across the palette upon which I have painted, it encountered a bottomless pit, called Abaddon, destroyer of worlds.

How can there be multiple multiverses? And if there are, are we to assume that the black hole Abaddon was possessed of interplanar travel and able to devour entire multiverses?

Tall and lithe, the Tsol'aa chose to dwell in the forests of the world of Achaea, on the continent of Sapience.

Not only does this specify "the world of Achaea" (and others do not exist), but it also insinuates that the "world of Achaea" is the next level up from "continent." Specifying "the world of Achaea," if Achaea is everything, would render the phrase moot.

When Proteus declared that the children would be the inheritors of the continent of Sapience on the world of Achaea...

Again, specification of the world and insinuation of "world" as the next level up from "continent."

While the world itself was not destroyed, the intense energy killed nearly everything alive on the continent, which happened to be the side of the planet facing the explosion when the star winds arrived.

The entire multiverse wasn't destroyed, just the side of the planet? This doesn't even specify which planet is being spoken of if it's not referring to the "world of Achaea," since it's talking about the "side facing the explosion" and not the "planet facing the explosion."

We also have many instances of the "world of Achaea" and other places where "world" is analogous with "planet." Together, these suggest that Achaea is indeed the planet. I could include them, but I would just be repeating myself.

Finally, we already have two names for "everything": "the multiverse" and "Creation." Are we to assume that we have three names for all the planes combined, and yet no name for the planet on which Sapience resides?

I have heard it contended by some that "Planet Achaea" sounds too "sci-fi." Consider that not only do we have races that come from other planets (the Rajamala), alternate universes (the concept of "planes" at all), and events driven by decidedly cosmic events (the star Ethian being swallowed by the black hole Abaddon), but we also have a tentacle alien from outer space that fell here in a meteor (the skolef, of Green Lake). The barriers between the individual niches of speculative fiction are quite possibly some of the blurriest in the literary world.

Delphinus 21:05, 14 May 2006 (GMT)