Student and Master

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By: Dortheron Posted on: May 31, 2012

In long lost Seleucar of ancient past
where peace reigned and war subside
lived an old soldier, his ward by his side
learning all of his masters knowledge vast

The soldier was old, far from youth
ashen dark hair above wrinkled skin.
Warrior Karan, with humorless grin
lived and fought for personal truth.

Calel, his ward, a Mhun of nineteen
followed his master in every way,
Worked and studied every day
forged his skill and senses keen.

Tides rise and tides fall
as time slips past us all.
Some hear the silent call
of life's ever moving crawl

One day, climbing Vashnar crest
Calel turned to his aging teacher
and asked with embolden feature
"How can I become the best?"

Karan frowned and shook his head
leading his student to a cave
guiding Calel to a fading grave
and said "This is my master, dead."

"Much like you, I was his ward
where I mastered all he taught.
Until to this cave I was brought
and told me, 'Get out your sword!'"

Tides rise and tides fall
as shadows surrounds us all
some move forward, others stall
for many who walk in Maya's Hall

"We fought all hours of that day
an unforgiving, frantic dance
when he slipped, I took the chance
and slashed his throat, bloody spray."

At rememberance, he shed not a tear
when suddenly a bright steel flash
nearly sliced Calel, a single slash
for Karan charged forth with no fear

"Prove your strength, prove your might!"
Karan yelled, his intent to slay
Calel barely able to dodge and sway
"Attack me now, come on and fight!"

Tides rise and tides fall
as passion flares within us all
emotions builds a powerful wall
only the strong can make it fall

Calel knew what spawned killer intent,
had seen the grave, and its price.
He remembered his master's advice
even as his armour got tiny bents

"Do not ponder on other thoughts
clear your head, focus your mind
work until you're out of your bind
make them regret it was you they caught!"

Burdened with sorrow, he knew his choice
Calel pulled back and drew out his sword,
seeking to kill his master, his lord
anger and grief filled his sounding voice

Tides rise and tides fall
while all fight against the squall
no one can past mistakes recall
the burden is shared with us all

They clashed and they fought
as steel glided towards skin
each aiming for under the chin
neither able to get what they sought

Armour and weapons slowly bent
neither backing down, no retreat
hours had passed, strength deplete
only one would follow mountain decent

Calel tried all he had learned
but Karan was too good to outwit
Calel barely got any good hit
but he gave as good as he earned

Tides rise and tides fall
huge results are made from small
while some can stand high and tall
others weaken and easily fall

Hope was slowly fading from Calel
when Karan's arm suddenly failed
Calel did thrust, heart was nailed
and his master slowly gasp and fell

Calel had won, but felt no cheer
as he saw his master tumble down
and had almost in grief drown
when Karan called him near

"No worries, you did no wrong.
Evil is comming, the Black Wave
I purposely took you to this cave
to make sure you were strong"

"Master, " called Calel sad
he cried as Karan embraced death
slow and quiet last breath
"you know I loved you, Dad."

Tides rise and tides fall
as Karan entered Thoth's halls
Calel knew, and answered call
when evil threatened Shallam walls

Tides rise and tides fall
Calel fought, and hope install
and overcame Black Wave all
never to Tsol'teth spells enthrall

Tides rise and tides fall
Even to death, he did not crawl
Calel lived his life for us all
As tides rise and tides fall