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  |detail=A Knight of the Realm must both be able to inspire and to lead the charge. By mustering a call to arms, all who consider you a mutual ally (and any member of the Guild of Knighthood) present shall join your group in preparation for a charge.
  |detail=A Knight of the Realm must both be able to inspire and to lead the charge. By mustering a call to arms, all who consider you a mutual ally (and any member of the Guild of Knighthood) present shall join your group in preparation for a charge.
<p>* This requires you have set a warcry.
<p>* This requires you have set a warcry.
|description=Honour always has its say.
|detail=A knight should always have his say, and so you will. Chivalrous as you are, you will find yourself able to shout at greater length than those of lesser honour before fainting from the effort.



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