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The '''clouded glass lily''' is inspired by the black and white lilies used in the [[Landmarks|Landmarking]] that ended several hundred years ago. Crafted to appear in full bloom, its vibrant glass stem supports six triangular petals, each reflecting colours like a prism. By dropping the lily one will get a short-term boost or hinderance to [[critical hits|critical hit]] severity. Gaining a boost is more likely than being hindered.
The '''clouded glass lily''' (short name: ''lily'') is inspired by the black and white lilies used in the [[Landmarks|Landmarking]] that ended several hundred years ago. Crafted to appear in full bloom, its vibrant glass stem supports six triangular petals, each reflecting colours like a prism. By dropping the lily one will get a short-term boost or hinderance to [[critical hits|critical hit]] severity. Gaining a boost is more likely than being hindered.



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