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'''Yggdrasil's Seed''' is a kernel born from the immense ash tree [[Yggdrasil]]. Created by [[Proteus]] in the age of legends, wielding the seed is thought to grant is bearer nominal control over its plane-spanning pathways.
'''Yggdrasil's Seed''' is a kernel born from the immense ash tree [[Yggdrasil]]. Created by [[Proteus]] in the age of legends, wielding the seed is thought to grant is bearer nominal control over its plane-spanning pathways.

Clutched in his fell claws, in 722 AF the demon prince [[Pazuzu]] used the germ to focus his black will across the multiverse, casting down first the [[Garden of the Gods]], followed by various worlds and regions choked in the snarling brambles of the corrupted world tree.
Clutched in his fell claws, in 922 AF the demon prince [[Pazuzu]] used the germ to focus his black will across the multiverse, casting down first the [[Garden of the Gods]], followed by various worlds and regions choked in the snarling brambles of the corrupted world tree.

[[category: Protean relics]]
[[category: Protean relics]]


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