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Found within the underground graveyard of [[azdun|Azdun Dungeon]], '''ghasts''' are something to be feared. Though they appear as [[ghouls]], they are superior. Having retained much of the intelligence that they possessed in life, these dreadful beings have mastered the art of keeping an adventurer in their grasp.  
'''Ghasts''' are known as being superior [[ghouls]] for although they look almost identical, ghasts are much stronger and have retained a great deal of the intelligence that they had in life. Cunning and evil
creatures, these monstrous beings are a match for most [[adventurers]] and it is rumoured that the very
touch of one of these [[undead]] horrors can cause the very marrow of someone's bones to freeze which
[[paralysis|paralyses]] their unfortunate victim in place to be fed upon at the ghast's leisure.

[[Category:Undead]][[Category:Azdun Denizens]]
[[Category:Undead]][[Category:Azdun Denizens]]
[[Category:Azdun Catacombs Denizens]]
[[Category:Azdun Catacombs Denizens]]


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