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Much like every [[:category:areas|area]] of [[Achaea]] can be classified by '''environment''' so do many locations within those areas have their own environment type. Locational environment type affects the use of [[abilities]], [[artefacts]], presence of [[weather]], [[plants]] and [[minerals]], [[cooking]] [[ingredients]] and [[inkmilling]] reagents, as well as travel speed and visibility in the [[wilderness]].
Much like every [[:category:areas|area]] of [[Achaea]] can be classified by '''environment''' so do many locations within those areas have their own environment type. Some areas where room types can be found are usually self-explanatory: places to find a mountainous terrain are in the mountains, and ruined locations can be found commonly with 'ruins' in their area name, such as the ruins of [[Morindar]] and the ruins of [[Seleucar]]. On the other hand, some can be misleading, such as [[Phereklos|the ruins of Phereklos]] which is bereft of places which might be considered 'ruins', the vast majority of it considered deep ocean and ocean floor.
Locational environment type affects the use of [[abilities]], [[artefacts]], presence of [[weather]], [[plants]] and [[minerals]], [[cooking]] [[ingredients]] and [[inkmilling]] reagents, as well as travel speed and visibility in the [[wilderness]].
Your environment can be determined with the [[Vision]] '''Surveying''' [[ability]].

Environment types include:
Environment types include:


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