Difference between revisions of "Patrick de Vermiis"

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8 bytes added ,  20:57, 27 November 2018
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m (*cough* Nanny Scoggs, of course is the link)
m (category change)
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'''Patrick de Vermiis''' is a lost member of the [[de Vermiis]] family. Although his [[Nanny Scoggs|Nanny]] does not seem too upset by his passing, his Auntie [[Maim de Vermiis|Maim]] nearly died from grief over the fatal accident as he was like a son to her.
'''Patrick de Vermiis''' is a lost member of the [[de Vermiis]] family. Although his [[Nanny Scoggs|Nanny]] does not seem too upset by his passing, his Auntie [[Maim de Vermiis|Maim]] nearly died from grief over the fatal accident as he was like a son to her.
[[Category:Theran Denizens]]
[[Category:Maim's Mansion Denizens]]


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