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(Created page with "A'''porcelain piggy bank''' is a temporary artefact trinket which starts as a mere piglet and grows into a fully fledged piggy bank as its owner fills it with gold sover...")
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A'''porcelain piggy bank''' is a temporary [[artefact]] trinket which starts as a mere piglet and grows into a fully fledged piggy bank as its owner fills it with [[gold sovereigns|gold]]. Gold cannot be removed once put in (but is entirely safe from theft). It can be shaken to determine the amount saved. Smashnig the piggybank destroys it permanently and retrieves the savings.
A'''porcelain piggy bank''' is a temporary [[artefact]] trinket which starts as a mere piglet and grows into a fully fledged piggy bank as its owner fills it with [[gold sovereigns|gold]]. Gold cannot be removed once put in (but is entirely safe from theft). It can be shaken to determine the amount saved. Smashing the piggybank destroys it permanently and retrieves the savings.



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