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'''Endurance''' represents being worn down by physical activity. The rate at which your endurance recovers is determined by [[races|race]] and the [[level]] of your [[:Category:Miniskills|miniskill]] called [[Fitness]]. Anyone with an [[Ox Tattoo|ox tattoo]] can regain endurance merely by touching the tattoo once it is inked.
'''Endurance''' represents being worn down by physical activity. The rate at which your endurance recovers is determined by [[races|race]] and the [[level]] of your [[:Category:Miniskills|miniskill]] called [[Fitness]]. Anyone with an [[Ox Tattoo|ox tattoo]] can regain endurance more quickly merely by touching the tattoo once it is inked.
Certain artefacts can reduce the cost of endurance, such as the [[Sash of Eternal Battle]].



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