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When [[Pazuzu]] sliced open the Flame of Yggdrasil, allowed adventuer's to access [[Yggdrasil]], the World Tree, and the many worlds in its branches.  ''' Pri'alysh''' is an area on the Plane of [[Veior]]. A granite moor stretches out across the plane, drenched in a permanent blanket of thick fog. Overrun with vicious animals and malevolent spirits, the Pri'alysh is dangerous terrain, hosting an immense Obelisk of white stone. A camp sits in the shadows of this eerie structure, inhabited by the Cult of Yelest whose beliefs claim the tower was forged by a benevolent Demigod and must never, ever, be opened.
#redirect [[Pri'alysh Moor]]
*The Pri'alysh Obelisk
*[[Glosis]], the tash'la exile
*[[Skoche]], the cultist researcher
*[[Solxor]], the adherent


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