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211 bytes added ,  07:43, 18 October 2017
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An '''Ivory pennon''', a sign of affiliation with the [[Ivory Mark]], is a talisman which confers a small [[experience]] bonus to the wearer when hunting [[denizens]] in the the [[Quisalis Den]], under [[New Thera]].
An '''Ivory pennon''', a sign of affiliation with the [[Ivory Mark]], is a talisman which confers a small [[experience]] bonus to the wearer when hunting [[denizens]] in the the [[Quisalis Den]], under [[New Thera]].
:(1) a piece of silk from an Ivory pennon, level 1
:(1) a piece of ribbon from an Ivory pennon, level 1
:(1) some thread from an Ivory pennon, level 1
:(1) some dye for an Ivory pennon, level 1

[[Category: Mark talisman set]]
[[Category: Mark talisman set]]


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