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'''Linderast Avathar'an''', heir of [[Merethor Avathar'an]], was the Third Radiant King of [[Istarion]]. It was during his reign that the [[human]] wanderer [[Carme]], one of the Offspring, arrived in the lands of Istarion.
'''Linderast Avathar'an''', heir of [[Merethor Avathar'an]], was the Third Radiant King of [[Istarion]]. It was during his reign that the [[human]] wanderer [[Carme]], one of the [[Offspring]], arrived in the lands of Istarion.

King Linderast was succeeded by his son, [[Thanatal'ryn Avathar'an]].
King Linderast was succeeded by his son, [[Thanatal'ryn Avathar'an]].

[[Category:Historical Figures]]
[[Category:Historical Figures]]


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