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'''Clairvoyance''' is the ability to perceive objects that are not within one's immediate five senses. Occasionally, common interest items - such as the [[Blade of the Masters]] and the moonlight bridle used to capture the [[nightmares|nightmare]] during the [[Eternal Night]] saga - will be sensitive to clairvoyance pryings. When this happens, any able-minded individual may, via the CLAIRVOYANCE command, immediately discover the positions of these objects from afar.
'''Clairvoyance''' is the ability to perceive objects that are not within one's immediate five senses. Occasionally, common interest items - such as the [[Blade of the Masters]] and the moonlight bridle used to capture the [[nightmares|nightmare]] during the [[Eternal Night]] saga - will be sensitive to clairvoyant pryings. When this happens, any able-minded individual may, via the CLAIRVOYANCE command, immediately discover the positions of these objects from afar.



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