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The '''Ithmia''' is the collective term used to describe three temperate forests - the [[Western Ithmia]], [[Eastern Ithmia]], and [[Northern Ithmia]], divided physically by the [[Zaphar River]] and categorically by variations in plant and animal life. This collective term is referenced in various places, the most well-known being the [[:Category:City-states|city-state]] of [[Hashan]], whose title is "Crown of the Ithmia."
The '''Ithmia''' is the collective term used to describe three temperate forests - the [[Western Ithmia]], [[Eastern Ithmia]], and [[Northern Ithmia]], divided physically by the [[Zaphar River]] and categorically by variations in plant and animal life. This collective term is referenced in various places, the most well-known being the [[:Category:City-states|city-state]] of [[Hashan]], whose former title is "Crown of the Ithmia."

Within the Ithmia lie the city-states of Hashan and [[Eleusis]], as well as the hamlet of [[Bagwar's Copse]], the fortress of [[Forest Watch]], and the former [[Temples|temple]] of the goddess [[Gaia]].
Within the Ithmia lie the city-states of Hashan and [[Eleusis]], as well as the hamlet of [[Bagwar's Copse]], the fortress of [[Forest Watch]], and the [[Temples|temple]] of the goddess [[Gaia]].



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