Difference between revisions of "Shallam"

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121 bytes added ,  03:02, 22 November 2013
→‎Famous Faces: spelling, added averroes
m (→‎Famous Faces: clarification)
(→‎Famous Faces: spelling, added averroes)
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*General [[Argan deSoral]], who commanded a naval attack on Castomiran-held [[Seleucar]] during the second War of Succession, braving the reefs of [[Ralshev's Bay]] outside the imperial capital.
*General [[Argan deSoral]], who commanded a naval attack on Castomiran-held [[Seleucar]] during the second War of Succession, braving the reefs of [[Ralshev's Bay]] outside the imperial capital.
*Prince [[Evander Christin]], the husband of [[Catarin deSangre]], with whom she continued the Imperial line.
*Prince [[Evander Christin]], the husband of [[Catarin deSangre]], with whom she continued the Imperial line.
*[[Maran]] La'Sean, a renowned Sultan and [[Guildmaster]] who gave his life for his people and was rewarded with Godhood.
*[[Averroes]], the famed prophet and teacher of Shallam, whose unerring predictions were often a boon in troubled times.
*[[Maran]] La'Saen, a renowned Sultan and [[Guildmaster]] who gave his life for his people and was rewarded with Godhood.


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