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'''Canntaireachd, the Mistress of Revels''', (also called Cannie for short, due to a name that would have even a sober man tripping over his tongue) is the cittern player in the [[Oastan Eleusia]] - the restaurant of [[Eleusis]].
'''Canntaireachd, the Mistress of Revels''', (also called Cannie for short, due to a name that would have even a sober man tripping over his tongue) is the cittern player in the [[Oastan Eleusia]] - the restaurant of [[Eleusis]]. While she is incredibly talented, the fact that she knows only one song is sadly quite apparent.
While she is incredibly talented, the fact that she knows only one song is sadly quite apparent.

She was employed along with [[Celede]], the serving wench, by the hostess of the restaurant, [[Anil-Gadith]].
She was employed along with [[Celede]], the serving wench, by the hostess of the restaurant, [[Anil-Gadith]].

[[category:Eleusian Denizens]]
[[category:Eleusian Denizens]]


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