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Who lists tell you who is obviously around. It will not tell you those who have used powerful abilities to conceal their identities.
QW and BW give you a short list of who is online and in the same part of the world as you(not off plane, dead, or in the far reaches of the continent).
WHO tells you the same thing as QW and BW, but in list form and with titles.
CITYWHO, CWHO, or CW tells you who in your city is around.
HOUSEWHO, HWHO, or HW tells you who in your House is around.
ORDERWHO or OWHO tells you who in your Divine Order is around.
NEWBIEWHO or NWHO tells you who of your fellow newbies are around.
RACEWHO or RWHO tells you who of your race is around.
CLANWHO or CLWHO tells you who in the selected clan is around.
CLAN 2 WHO tells you who in the specified clan is around.
The list goes on, depending on which organisations you end up joining over time.


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