A Day in Ashtan

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By: Khaj Posted on: December 17, 2004

Up the Radiant Path walks an eager-eyed crowd,
To watch Dread Thoth drop his bloody shroud,
As the Theatrum Mortalis sways to fatal blows,
Great rounds of cheering for the tortured death throes!

From scenes of pain to a frothy ale;
The Seadog Tavern has liquor for sale!
Hungry Ashtani flock to Fire and Spice
Laughing groups of friends sit and gamble at dice.

Or perhaps to cerebral thoughts the city moves now,
In the Garden of Epicurus, to learn the why and how—
Philosophy, Survival, skills for daily life,
And the art of combat, to overcome strife.

But my favourite place is Dockhand Square,
This is where I journey to sell my wares,
For I like to rat, the subdivision is my home;
Wherever there are rodents, that's where I roam!