Black Wave

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The Black Wave was part of a prophecy foretold to Nicator by Sarapis at the beginnings of the Seleucarian Empire. In a vision, Nicator saw a city of light on the edge of a dark sea, besieged by a massive wave, and defended by a great king. This city, revealed Sarapis, was Seleucar, and in one hundred years the mysterious wave would strike. The only hope Sapience had of withstanding this threat lay with Nicator.

The prophecy did indeed come true, though Nicator died before he saw it fulfilled. From the depths of the earth came the Tsol'teth and their hordes of goblins, hobgoblins, ogres, and bug-men (details are limited but many believe these to be horkval). Swarming towards the cities of Sapience with destruction their only goal, the War of the Deeps threatened to end civilisation until the armies of Seleucar, thanks to the preparations of Nicator, were able to defeat the Tsol'teth and drive back the wave.