Difference between revisions of "Zoci"

11 bytes added ,  21:46, 15 July 2021
No longer stationed in the Baelgrim/Mhaldor, role changed
m (changed his epithet)
(No longer stationed in the Baelgrim/Mhaldor, role changed)
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The grey-haired '''Zoci, Prelate of Malice''' stands within [[Baelgrim Fortress]], his menacing seven-foot frame swathed in red-robed splintmail. His blue eyes gaze coldly upon his surrounds as he recites catechisms and declares the [[Evil|Seven Truths of Evil]] to all who will hear.  
Amongst the upper echelons of the [[Sartan|Lord of Evil]]'s order, '''Zoci, Prelate of Malice''' serves dutifully, his menacing seven-foot frame swathed in red-robed splintmail. His blue eyes gaze coldly upon his surrounds, and a bloodsteel mace hangs at his side, ready to smite down those that would deny the will of His lord.
[[Category: Mhaldor Denizens]]
