
The ghastly arts of Undeath are practised by the undead soldiers of the Underworld, the grisly soulbleed-fueled techniques of the army of Death's Demise.

Abilities in Undeath

Ability Description
Batter Until they move no more.
Squeeze Until the eyes burst.
Leap Tireless are the dead.
Deathclad Reborn for war.
Onslaught Relentless is death.
Reave Flesh and bone and soul and more.
Shackle Fettered to mortality.
Arc The living fall in droves.
Lifebind One and many.
Slake Feast upon their souls.
Vengeance You will not go quietly.
Consign Death awaits the living.
Cling You will not go. At all.
Soulstain The harvest is long.
Consume To snuff the candle.
Visage The face of death.
Demise You cannot be stopped.
Tripleslash Technique undreamed of.
Legion Rise and dine.
Grave The fate of all.