The Things that I've Seen

By: Madelyne Posted on: June 30, 2016

  • Inspired by recent events in Cyrene, I wrote this from the point of view of Sir Lance, bartender in the Ram's Horn.

You wouldn't believe the things that I've seen
At my bar, The Ram's Horn, here in Cyrene.

Satyrs and sirens, dwarves, mhun, grook, and trolls,
All are welome here - just respect the dolls.

For years that was my one fundamental
Both in the bar and for back room rental.

Be a lady or a Cyrene mister.
Treat dates like you would your dad or sister.

The things I've seen...I could tell you some tales
While eating corn chips and swilling some ales.

Come to my bar for tabac, drinks, and food
But take coitus elsewhere (not being rude).

You kiss and you touch in your attempts to flirt.
Before you know it, some girl's lost her shirt!

And I'm not talking 'bout that Shadya lass
Although she does have a sweet little...

Ask me for names and I'll lock my lips tight
But I'll tell you this - they're here day and night.

The next time lust makes you delirious
Move along somewhere else. I'm serious!

No one wants to give Cyrene a label.
Besides, guys, people eat on that table.