Spirits of Cyrene

Revision as of 20:51, 21 November 2021 by Madelyne (talk | contribs)

By: Madelyne Posted on: October 27, 2005

Cyrene is in ready for Mayaween
The citizens are dressed to cause a fright
Is that Lady Beneficia under the Belladona mask?
Can you tell who's under the Khulhedra costume? Was
that really Raphella yelling for Emelio? She is scary
enough without a mask. Oh wait, I think that's Dallam
behind the image of Zsarachnor. Or maybe it's Finchy. I
didn't hear a yarr? So many costumed citizens here at the
the Black Cat Ball. Can you guess them all? I don't think
I've quite figured out who Elora is. Oh wait, she must be
the Siren of Cyrene. Where's Corwin? Oh yes, dressed as a
bard. That's classic. And Metzger? Why he is dressed as
a pirate! The eyepatch and newly buckled swashes gave
it away. There's Gezzy! Oh she is quite a sight, as
the queen of the fairies tonight. So many people
hiding under masks and robes, enjoying guises
that let them hide their personal souls.<be>