
By: Morlana Posted on: December 20, 2004

I am pulled towards your embrace,
Desire that burns like a fever,
Lured by the glow that shines gold.

Malleable but firm,
Molded into the shape thirsted by many,
I finger your soft, round form.

It cuts me deeply when you are gone,
From my gaze, my touch, my song
I sing your praise with every word I utter.

Such power you wield,
Though innocent at first glance.
The ability to topple strong governments
And rip the heart from man.

Though you are not faithful,
Having passed through many hands,
Still I love you deeply, as much as one could stand.

So do not stray too far
For no matter what I shall follow.
Pulled by my desire to fill
An ache forever hollow.