Sins of the Father

By: Zimona Posted on: December 18, 2015

The lines were drawn before we were born,

the moment Infernal eyes found her in the indigo hawthorne.

For a while they thought the curse

had broken. That his blood would disperse

and the vileness of his deeds

would bleed


Blood ties bind in strange ways;

they twist, turn, and burn

until sometimes one can only yearn

to find the other part of themselves.

When I left, you begged me not to leave.

But you were too naive,

swallowing whole their Righteous tenets

while I was forced into penance.

All these years later, the hate

in your eyes scores me. It's too late

this is the way it has to be.

I have found how to be me.

Working for Creation.

Weakness you confess,

Strength I profess.

Witnessing you across the battle field

bearing the indigo pennant, zealous

and I am so very jealous

at how easily they accept you.

Delos is so quiet, it has not yet been corrupted;

the gurgle of the Zaphar River only disrupted

by the breeze which gusts over the bridge.

The thud of weapons on barbed shields,

the clang of Mogheduian steel rings over the field.

The tension is almost perceptible,

a jittery feeling which makes me susceptible

to the bloodlust thickening the air.

Can I do it? Will you do it?

Will death engulf us here?

Suddenly the flag appears, a snap and crack in the air,

a spindly white-capped fanfare.

The roar of the charging forces is deafening.

And I am thankful for the ear deadening

battle yells. I am lost in the twirl of my elemental staff,

the dance of battle, them versus us in a choreograph

of Good and Light opposite Evil.

The sins of the father inspired this,

bringing us to this perilous

point. As the bodies part I am awed

by the skill with which you maraud.

I can not attack you, not my flesh and blood,

my other half. Realizing with a flood

of emotions you had always been there.

My twin. Born of the same womb

but both of us costumed

as something we were not meant to be.


Your attack is so sudden. A flash of light

is all I see before you rain down your might.

The curved point of the scimitar's blade digs in.

So much blood, this is a sin.

I am startled at the bite of pain.

The fire which stretches from my side,

burning upwards until it collides

with my heart.

Your eyes are clear as they stare

towards my reaching hand. I still care.

"Sister, what have they done to us?"

"Brother, I'm sorry I must."

As the light fades and Thoth beckons

from his bone throne. I reckon

it will always be you against me.

A competition born from a twisted family tree.