Ode to a Totem

By: Bram Posted on: September 14, 2011

O, Totem!
Hewn from a few rough pieces of wood
sanded to the sheen of glass,
lashed together with well-oiled leather,
and inlaid with a bit of refined silver, you
become my living connection to the sacred earth.

You stand tall, waiting to be adorned,
to serve your purpose with the quiet Honor
of the noblest of Knights.
With a steady hand and scrutinizing eye,
I paint upon you your weapons—
magical runes like nairat, sowulu, and loshre,
kena, fehu, wunjo, and inguz.

In battle, you stand firm at my side—
a strong, steady comrade—
as I prop you up. Together, we
face foes and enemies in Chivalric battle,
crippling them so my runeblades may find
a ready target to be sent to the Halls of Maya.

At home, you quietly perform your Duty—
implanted in the hard ground, lost
among the scenery of Cyrene, our silent protector.
When threat arises, you are always there,
having waited patiently to strike,
to ensure our ever-lasting safety.

O, totem, linked forever with the power
of Sapience and every Warden, you are what
we should all strive to be.