Ode to Certimene

By: Teclin Posted on: January 11, 2005

Ode to Certimene- Finding My Voice

I come to your office, Certimene,
to make an important choice.
I just arrived from Loom, my slate is clean;
Now I simply need a voice.

Is mine the Bolero of a priest,
Filled with zealous fire?
Or the peaceful Serenade of a monk,
Never succumbing to ire?

Perhaps my dance is the jester's jig,
Without a single care in the world.
Or maybe the Requiem of an Apostate,
Displaying the banner of Evil unfurled.

I stayed for a while in your office,
Feeling quite bereft.
But you helped me find my voice,
Although my muses had long since left.

I am a Paladin,
A Knight without fear.
I am my Lady's Champion;
My life is not my own.

I am a Paladin,
A Priest without sin.
I am the protector of Good;
My heart is not my own.

I am a Paladin,
A Judge without mercy.
I am the smiter of evil;
My sword is not my own.

Although our paths have since diverged, and won't likely reconvene,
I'll never forget your gracious help, my assiduous Certimene