Cyril's Game, A Soldier's Song

By: Kaden Posted on: December 08, 2015

I ne'er knew a soldier

From Targossas to Ashtan

To end a furlough sober

Nor stop whilst they can stand

No bloody soldier from the west

Nor Eleusian in his tree

Can e'er hope to win or best

A Cyrenian drinking spree

For Cyril likes his belly hot

As proof from the mountain cold

Yet he is not a drunken sot

But a soldier brave and bold

No third-eyed blighter from the north

Nor Hashani steeped in chems

Can hope to stand after their fourth

Unlike shieldwardens from the gem

No eastern preacher born of flame

No Delosian prankster too

Can beat Cyril at his game

If that game involved good brew