An Open Letter to the Slugbeast

By: Kherranos Posted on: March 30, 2005

Dear Sir, Madam, or Other,

Perhaps you remember me. Small, fuzzy, when I was younger I frequently, by virtue of my forgetful nature, fell through the trapdoor in the ancient bastion of Forest Watch and became a meal for you. I remembered you. Somehow, throughout my later adventures, my frequent deaths in that crucible in which you reside remained steady in my mind. So much so, in fact, that you may remember that I, having become more formidible, returned to test my skills against you. Although I was successful, as you expired, I was touched by your display of eloquence and compassion. Far from a mindless slayer of adventurers of moderate age, you proved yourself a well spoken being, driven to your moderate depravity by the extreme circumstances of your bondage. Know that your virtues have not gone unnoticed! You have supporters on the outside! Freedom for you, my foot-lacking friend, will be a reality in our lifetime!

Keep your spirits up,
