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Eusian Sea (east)

Notian Sea (south)

Sea of Borak (north)

Sapphire Sea (west)


Abyss - Known to some as the Plane of Infinite Horrors, the Abyss is arguably the vilest plane of all. The Abyss is the plane of Chaos and Evil, and nowhere is this reflected clearer than its infernal residents. Many demonic races reside here, including the cruel and vicious Shaitanzu, as well as the dread Pit Fiends to which Azmodai is kin. The Shaitanzu in particular are at war with a race from Baator known as the Baatani over what Evil should really be.

Acheron - The plane of Acheron, the outer plane where the concepts of order and evil mesh with neutrality, is known to some as the Battle Cubes or the Plane of Lost Causes. Acheron is composed of iron-shod cubes, upon which soldiers die needlessly as they wage war after futile war. It is said that for most of eternity have the armies fought, and they shall fight on until eternity ends.

Arborea - Known alternatively as the Land of Eternal Bliss and the Plane of Passions, Arborea is the outer plane representing both Chaos and Good. It is thought by many that Arborea is the birthplace of emotions, a hypothesis lent credibility by the fact that feelings here are much more vivid. So vivid, in fact, that travellers to the plane are often so enthralled with it that they refuse to leave, becoming what are known as the "Fallen," who in turn try to entice other visitors into becoming Fallen with them. It is said that in this aspect, they have the same sort of persuasive ability as vampires, succubi, and incubi.

Arcadia - where order and neutrality join with good (not to be confused with the town of Arcadia).

Aurorea - The outer plane of Good, Aurorea, is one of peace and tranquility. Its residents are known for their forgiving nature, and are likely to heap food and drink aplenty upon any adventurers that should come to visit. It is rumoured that Lady Aurora once made Her home on this plane.

Baator - Sometimes known as the Nine Hells, the Land of Broken Promises, or simply Hell, Baator is the outer plane where Order and Evil combine. It is here that the Baatani dwell, the race that is in an aeons-old war with the Shaitanzu of the Abyss over what Evil should be.

Beastland - where neutrality and good become chaotic.

Bytopia - where neutrality and good become orderly.

Carceri - where neutrality and evil become chaotic.

Daedalan - The plane of true neutrality.

Eroia - The plane of Chaos, not to be confused with the Chaos Plane.

Gehenna - where neutrality and evil become orderly.

Miranus - Known to some as "the Clockwork Plane" or "the Land of Law," Miranus is the outer plane of Order. The plane itself appears to be nothing more than the interior of a giant engine. Many theorise that this plane is the source of time and motion, or at the very least a multiversal regulator of some kind. It is rumoured that Lady Miramar, Goddess of Justice makes her home here.

Netherworld - The Netherworld is an outer plane where the concepts of neutrality and evil combine. A fiercely cold wind constantly whips about the dust and soot of this plane, ensuring that nothing stays clean. It is rumoured that Lord Twilight has made one of his homes on this plane. It was here that the demon Azmodai brought Xianty and killed him numerous times after kidnapping him in 271.

Pandemonium - where chaos and neutrality become evil (not to be mistaken with Pandemonium, the Divine Child).

Sartai - Sartai, the outer plane of Evil is known by many other names - the Three Glooms, Hope's Loss, the Nadir. Apathy pervades this plane like a cold fog, sucking the vitality from all who choose to linger here. It is said that Lord Sartan might perhaps have one of his extraplanar palaces in the centre of this plane.

Ysgard - where chaos and neutrality become good.