A frail librarian

A frail librarian is an elderly human shopkeep found within the hidden halls of Boldarihm.


an obsidian scroll case - 3500gp
Roughly hewn from a single piece of obsidian, this cylindrical scroll case sports a myriad of individual facets, a thousand spidery seams interwoven across and between every surface. Light shifts and flickers with the slightest movement, scattered unevenly across the highly polished glass. A thin band of silver rings its opening, capped by a thin layer of black cloth that holds its contents in place. Dyed black, a thin strap of leather is attached by the metal band, allowing for easy transport or storage.
a thick scroll of vellum - 500gp
This scroll is made out of thick, expensive-looking vellum. The entire surface is covered in tightly packed glyphs, with the occasional line of some arcane script seemingly interjected at random.
a gilded bookmark - 75000gp
Crudely shaped and hammered flat, a bookmark of polished gold gleams with any shift of the light.