Forging descriptors
In the skills of Weaponsmithing and Armoursmithing smiths gain the ability to forge different kinds of weapons and armour.
In order to customize the appearance of these, the smith can select up to two adjectives called 'descriptors' from a list they can access via FORGING LIST.
Descriptors are assigned to a Smithing Rank, from Apprentice Blacksmith up to Master Blacksmith, with more advanced descriptors costing substantially more to use. These correspond to Smithing Ranks, and a forger must be of at least that Smithing Rank in order to use descriptors of that rank.
Descriptors also may have category-based restrictions on them, such as only usable on edged weapons or soft armour.
As a smith forges items with descriptors, they gain a chance of producing an item with that descriptor more cheaply than otherwise, and eventually with enough mastery over that descriptor, there exists a chance to add an additional 1-3 stat points to any weapon they forge, or 1-2 additional stat points for armour.
Every forged item has a size, and this size determines how many of the required commodities will be required to forge that item.
After you have some Master points in a descriptor you start having a chance to get an extra stat point on that item. If you have two descriptors that you're already Expert in and working towards Master on, you have a chance for up to three extra stat points, which are randomly assigned except for the fact that all three will never end up on the same stat. It works as such:
* Each descriptor gives you a chance of ((points-300)/6) to get an extra stat point. * If both descriptors give your item an extra stat point AND you are a Grandmaster Blacksmith, there's a 50% chance for a third point. If you're a Legendary instead of Grandmaster Blacksmith the chance goes up to 75%.
Legendary and Grandmaster are advanced ranks and are not achieved in the same way as the other rank. You must be a Master Blacksmith in order to attain these two ranks PLUS:
* For Grandmaster, you acquire 60 Grandmaster points. These are gotten through mastering descriptors (see below). For every descriptor mastered, you'll get the following Grandmaster points: Rank 1 Descriptor = 0 points Rank 2 Descriptor = 1 points Rank 3 Descriptor = 2 points Rank 4 Descriptor = 6 points Rank 5 Descriptor = 20 points Rank 6 Descriptor = 30 points * For Legendary Blacksmith, you must achieve 200 Grandmaster points. * As a Grandmaster Blacksmith, your chances of getting stat bonuses due to Mastered descriptors are 65% per descriptor instead of 50% AND when you get two additional stat points you have a 50% chance of a third. * As a Legendary Blacksmith, your chances of getting an additional stat point when both your descriptors produce one is up to 75%. Plus, ALL descriptors are treated as Mastered for the purpose of the extra stat point calculation (but not regarding the chance of producing an item that costs as if it was one size smaller).
Forging Descriptors and Commodity Costs
Rank | Descriptor | Commodities | Category |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Archaic | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Dull | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Grooved | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Iron | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Jagged | Iron | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Lightweight | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Malformed | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Mud-caked | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Notched | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Ordinary | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Pitted | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Plain | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Primitive | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Rustic | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Scarred | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Shabby | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Simple | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Solid | Steel | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Soot-covered | Coal | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Sooty | Coal | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Steel | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Sturdy | Steel | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Tarnished | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Thick | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Thin | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Ugly | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Unembellished | n/a | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Worn | n/a | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Balanced | n/a | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Barbed | Iron | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Beefy | Steel | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Begrimed | Coal, Iron | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Bevelled | Steel | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Bulky | Iron | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Costly | Gold | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Daunting | Steel | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Durable | Iron | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Gaudy | Gold | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Hardy | Iron | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Heavy | Steel | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Hefty | Iron | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Molted | Steel | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Polished | Steel | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Ponderous | Steel | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Resilient | Steel | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Rippled | Steel | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Rounded | Iron | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Rugged | Iron | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Sleek | Steel | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Stout | Iron | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Tempered | Steel | Any |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Well-made | Steel | Any |
Blacksmith | Delosian | Steel, Iron | Any |
Blacksmith | Ashtani | Steel, Iron | Any |
Blacksmith | Cyrenian | ??? | Any |
Blacksmith | Eleusian | Wood | Any |
Blacksmith | Hashani | ??? | Any |
Blacksmith | Mhaldorian | ??? | Any |
Blacksmith | Targossian | ??? | Any |
Blacksmith | Delosian | Steel | Any |
Blacksmith | Peshwari | Gold, Silver | Any |
Blacksmith | Siroccian | Obsidian, Iron | Any |
Blacksmith | Theran | Steel | Any |
Blacksmith | Vashnari | Iron | Any |
Blacksmith | Baleful | Steel, Iron | Any |
Blacksmith | Ceremonial | Silver | Any |
Blacksmith | Cruel | Steel, Iron | Any |
Blacksmith | Desert | Obsidian, Bone | Any |
Blacksmith | Eastern | Platinum | Any |
Blacksmith | Elegant | Steel, Silver | Any |
Blacksmith | Etched | Steel | Any |
Blacksmith | Fancy | Gold | Any |
Blacksmith | Flashy | Gold | Any |
Blacksmith | Graceful | Steel, Silver | Any |
Blacksmith | Grandiose | Gold | Any |
Blacksmith | Impressive | Steel | Any |
Blacksmith | Lovely | Silver | Any |
Blacksmith | Lustrous | Silver | Any |
Blacksmith | Delosian | Steel | Any |
Blacksmith | Menacing | Steel, Iron | Any |
Blacksmith | Northern | Iron | Any |
Blacksmith | Ornamental | Gems | Any |
Blacksmith | Ostentatious | Gold, Platinum, Gems | Any |
Blacksmith | Savage | Steel, Iron | Any |
Blacksmith | Saw-edged | Steel, Iron | Any |
Blacksmith | Shining | Steel, Silver | Any |
Blacksmith | Southern | Steel | Any |
Blacksmith | Spiked | Iron | Any |
Blacksmith | Splendid | Steel, Silver | Any |
Blacksmith | Unnerving | Obsidian, Iron | Any |
Blacksmith | Western | Steel, Iron | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Barbaric | Iron | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Barbarous | Iron | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Beautiful | Steel, Gold, Silver Platinum | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Bejewelled | Steel, Gems | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Bronzed | Steel, Iron | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Charred | Coal, Iron | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Delicate | Silver, platinum | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Fearsome | Steel, Iron | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Formidable | Steel, Iron | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Gleaming | Steel, Silver | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Glorious | Steel | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Grand | Steel, Gold, Platinum | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Gruesome | Steel, Iron | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Intimidating | Steel, Iron | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Ornate | Gold, Platinum | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Rune-carved | Steel, Gems | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Rune-etched | Steel, Gems | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Scorched | Coal, Iron | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Sinister | Steel, Obsidian | Any |
Artisan Metalworker | Stunning | Steel, Gold | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Blackened | Iron, Coal | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Blue | Blue Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Brown | Yellow Ink, Red Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Dazzling | Steel, Gems, Silver | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Exquisite | Steel, Silver, Platinum | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Extravagant | Gold, Platinum | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Flawless | Steel | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Gorgeous | Steel, Gold, Platinum | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Green | Green Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Grey | Lacquer | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Indomitable | Steel, Iron | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Mighty | Steel, Iron | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Orange | Yellow Ink, Red Ink Lacquer | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Perfect | Steel | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Pink | Red Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Purple | Purple Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Radiant | Gold, Platinum | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Red | Red Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Tan | Red Ink, Yellow Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Violet | Red Ink, Purple Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | White | Lacquer | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Yellow | Yellow Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Blackened | Iron | Any |
Master Blacksmith | Amber | Yellow Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Master Blacksmith | Azure | Blue Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Master Blacksmith | Black | Black Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Master Blacksmith | Cerulean | Green Ink, Blue Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Master Blacksmith | Crimson | Red Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Master Blacksmith | Diabolical | Steel, Obsidian, Iron | Any |
Master Blacksmith | Ebon | Black Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Master Blacksmith | Heavenly | Steel, Gold, Platinum | Any |
Master Blacksmith | Indigo | Purple Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Master Blacksmith | Jet-black | Black Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Master Blacksmith | Nightmarish | Steel, Obsidian, Iron | Any |
Master Blacksmith | Ochre | Red Ink, Yellow Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Master Blacksmith | Silver | Silver, Lacquer | Any |
Master Blacksmith | Turquoise | Green Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Master Blacksmith | Vermillion | Red Ink, Lacquer | Any |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Curved | n/a | Weapons |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Nimble | n/a | Weapons |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Small | n/a | Weapons |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Straight | n/a | Weapons |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Tapering | n/a | Weapons |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Training | n/a | Weapons |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Big | Steel | Weapons |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Brawny | Steel | Weapons |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Grim | Iron | Weapons |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Hooked | Iron | Weapons |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Large | Steel | Weapons |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Sizable | Steel | Weapons |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Slender | Steel | Weapons |
Blacksmith | Ominous | Steel, Iron, Obsidian | Weapons |
Blacksmith | Puissant | Steel, Iron | Weapons |
Artisan Metalworker | Brutal | Iron | Weapons |
Artisan Metalworker | Powerful | Steel, Iron | Weapons |
Artisan Metalworker | Shimmering | Silver, Gold, Platinum | Weapons |
Artisan Metalworker | Vicious | Iron | Weapons |
Artisan Metalworker | Wicked | Steel, Iron | Weapons |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Colossal | Steel, Iron | Weapons |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Deadly | Steel, Iron | Weapons |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Devastating | Steel, Iron | Weapons |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Enormous | Steel, Iron | Weapons |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Gigantic | Steel, Iron | Weapons |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Huge | Steel, Iron | Weapons |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Immense | Steel, Iron | Weapons |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Mammoth | Steel, Iron | Weapons |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Massive | Steel, Iron | Weapons |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Monstrous | Steel, Iron | Weapons |
Virtuoso Blacksmith | Overpowering | Steel, Iron | Weapons |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Pointed | n/a | Edged Weapons |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Sharp | n/a | Edged Weapons |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Double-edged | Steel | Edged Weapons |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Double-sided | Steel | Edged Weapons |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Honed | Steel | Edged Weapons |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Keen | Iron | Edged Weapons |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Single-edged | Steel | Edged Weapons |
Blacksmith | Knife-edged | Steel | Edged Weapons |
Blacksmith | Razor-sharp | Steel | Edged Weapons |
Blacksmith | Serrated | Steel, Iron | Edged Weapons |
Master Blacksmith | Diamond-edged | Gems | Edged Weapons |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Iron-tipped | Iron | Leather Weapons |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Sinuous | Leather | Leather Weapons |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Undulating | Leather | Leather Weapons |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Winding | Leather | Leather Weapons |
Blacksmith | Obsidian-tipped | Obsidian | Leather Weapons |
Blacksmith | Snaky | Leather | Leather Weapons |
Blacksmith | Steel-tipped | Steel | Leather Weapons |
Blacksmith | Twisted | Leather | Leather Weapons |
Artisan Metalworker | Serpentine | Leather | Leather Weapons |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Dented | n/a | Armour |
Master Blacksmith | Skull-festooned | Bone | Armour |
Apprentice Blacksmith | Ragged | n/a | Soft Armour |
Journeyman Blacksmith | Supple | Leather | Soft Armour |
Tash'la Earthshaping Tome | Cyclonic | Bone, Gems | Any |
Tash'la Earthshaping Tome | Iojian | Bone, Platinum | Any |
Tash'la Earthshaping Tome | Flame-wreathed | Bone, Gems | Any |
Tash'la Earthshaping Tome | Mineralised | Bone, Gems | Any |
Tash'la Earthshaping Tome | Liquidinous | Bone, Gems | Any |