Achaean Dreaming

Revision as of 12:48, 26 March 2017 by Shirszae (talk | contribs)

By: Katia Posted on: July 25, 2004

Green city of nights
Show your secrets to me
What doth you hide
In inner sanctuary?

Only in restless
Do I you see
On sleepless wings
Thou torment me

Snakelike path
Please lead me on
To jewel like city
When day is gone

What were you once?
Will be once more
Live forever
In myth and lore

What ghosts haunt
Thy walls of jade
What words spoken?
What promises made?

I have but glimpsed
Oh city of dreams
And I think not
Is all as it seems

Haunt not my dream
Leave me to reast
And I'll be your hero
I'll answer your quest

Green city of dreams
Reveal unto me
What doth thy hide?
What can't I see?