Propasia's Plea

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By: Ale Posted on: April 08, 2004

I stand here a shadow

Hands bound by gossamer threads

A prisoner of darkness

By my own will.

Love eternal brought me to you

And now children, ignorant, offer release

My eyes are closed to them, my lips silent

I dont need their hope.

I stand here as a shadow

A whisper, a memory

The spirit of a shade, lost to the world

You have my soul.

Bound through my will

A promise made, forever kept

I think not of what may have been

I live within you.

Author's note: This short poem is written from Propasia to Urania. Propasia sacrificed herself to merge with Urania, allowing Urania to live. Now they are as one. Rociel and I, not knowing this, tried to invite Propasia to come live at Scarlatti's temple in Cyrene. After many days spent questing, Lord Twilight explained the situation to us. This poem is Propasia's cry to us, and a reflection of the verse that intruiged Twilight to the point of coming to Propasia and explaining the situation to Rociel and myself.