Talk:Arrow of Ethian

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Asmodron, this is the correct avenue for discussion, NOT the summary section of changes made. Please use these avenues moving forward to avoid spam. The AchaeaWiki:Contributing Guidelines state "please do not share quests, skills information, or anything that should reasonably stay private". Auction items AND their winners are public and freely available information, making this not fall under a reasonable expectation of privacy. Please cite why you disagree other than simply to disagree and be petty about other pages. Maintaining the integrity of the wiki without admin oversight is important, and in the interest of keeping this a well-written, independent space, we should be able to civilly reach an understanding. --Eoka, 14:16, 05 June 2024, (GMT)

If it helps, Announce News #3086 divulges information on the first winner of Ethian's Arrow to all and sundry, more than validating mention in this wiki. All global auctions like this are also public, whether via newspost or just the AUCTIONS command. - Halos (talk) 03:36, 6 June 2024 (UTC)

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