Uploads by Shirszae
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Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
00:22, 4 February 2018 | AchaeanFemaleTash'la.jpg (file) | 3.73 MB | Though rare, Tash'la are still capable arcanists. | 1 | |
18:26, 17 December 2017 | Achaeantash'la.jpg (file) | 6.02 MB | Tash'la Weaponmaster using a Warhammer | 1 | |
21:00, 22 March 2017 | AndviliSelfPortrait.gif (file) | 223 KB | This is me and my angel near the Cerulean Spire. The door looks really nice, so I drew it. Melinor's counseling me on my next action, and I'm listening to her. | 1 | |
20:57, 22 March 2017 | You can't ride on our parade.jpg (file) | 259 KB | Despite meteor arrows flying overhead, Cyrenians loiter in the snow at Centre Crossing as they wait for the Blufest float competition to begin, confident that the CCG will eliminate the enemy in the meantime. (Squid ink on bleached parchment.) | 1 | |
20:54, 22 March 2017 | TattooParlour.jpg (file) | 240 KB | Aes watches on in curiousity as Vinci inks a boar tattoo on his arm. In the back, sketches of feather, moon, and starburst tattoos are pinned up next to shelves of ink pigments. Pen & Ink | 1 | |
20:50, 22 March 2017 | TiedUp.jpg (file) | 263 KB | A sylvan left to die by the hands of a jack-in-the-box as the assaulter leaves, holding a "souvenir". | 1 | |
20:47, 22 March 2017 | ForestEnemy.jpg (file) | 125 KB | The grook magi Lothiac - using an aerial to avoid forest defenses in Ithmia, near the Zaphar. | 1 | |
20:29, 22 March 2017 | Actar's Cyclops.jpg (file) | 146 KB | Myself selling a goat to the cyclops of Actar, near the large oak tree. | 1 | |
20:26, 22 March 2017 | AboutToFlee.jpg (file) | 466 KB | An unlucky female about to run, knowing she in outmatched to the forestal. | 1 | |
20:25, 22 March 2017 | SnowyCentreCrossing.jpg (file) | 230 KB | Centre Crossing in Cyrene, as seen by an atavian on his way to drop off a shard in the clocktower. Baltas flies about, a speck of crimson amidst the flurries of snow. On the snow covered road, Blu crouches near the draping willows. | 1 | |
20:24, 22 March 2017 | Crystalline Circle Enchantment Room.jpg (file) | 348 KB | This is the North Enchantment room of the Crystalline Circle's house estate. It is the most popular enchantment room, and thus is often the most disheveled. It is common to find forgotten bars of silver, pinches of diamond dust, gold bars, etc. still left | 1 | |
20:16, 22 March 2017 | Nearing the Erisian Pyramid's peak.jpg (file) | 126 KB | Upon the steps almost reaching the Great Erisian Pyramid's peak. <br> Above the clouds on the stairs of white marble streaked with veins of multicoloured gems, the sky gleams a brilliant azure blue. Looking down the base of the pyramid is lost in the c... | 1 | |
20:14, 22 March 2017 | PixieQueenHut.jpg (file) | 219 KB | Where the pixie's queen resides. | 1 | |
20:13, 22 March 2017 | MadelyneUnicornBridge.jpg (file) | 97 KB | This is me on the Unicorn Bridge in Azdun's underground forest. I always have a defensive tune prepared and my trusty rapier wielded when exploring the area. | 1 | |
20:12, 22 March 2017 | JackInTheBox.jpg (file) | 105 KB | A drunken mouse watches on as the grinning Jack-in-the-box flips his lid and looks for an unsuspecting target. (All artwork done in Adobe Photoshop CS3 with a tablet.) | 1 | |
20:10, 22 March 2017 | RajamalaPaladin.jpg (file) | 101 KB | This is a drawing of a Rajamalan Paladin. He is accompanied by his falcon companion, and is wielding dual scimitars. His armour is a polished suit of field plate. | 1 | |
20:09, 22 March 2017 | NaaruSelfPortrait.jpg (file) | 191 KB | Myself in a rather good mood. Atavian Sylvan. | 1 | |
20:06, 22 March 2017 | IruiaFerrua.jpg (file) | 432 KB | I found myself interested in the genetic and cultural differences between the Nilari and the Murinae of mt Gheladan. So, while I was able, I drew studies of many members of each tribe. This is the nilari baker, Iruia, and Ferrua, a murinae scavenger. | 1 | |
20:04, 22 March 2017 | Sancero Paperwork Nightmare.jpg (file) | 437 KB | Sancero is slumped against his desk at the theatre after another day of tedious paperwork. He's frustrated, tired, and closing his eyes for a moment or two until he goes back to the grind. Pencil sketch, Tier Work. | 1 | |
20:03, 22 March 2017 | CyreneAtDusk.jpg (file) | 325 KB | This is a painting of me sitting on top of the lighthouse overlooking Lake Muurn, Cyrene, and the Southern Vashnar mountains at dusk. | 1 | |
19:35, 22 March 2017 | LexaPortrait.jpg (file) | 315 KB | Siren runewarden, waking up to another breathtaking Cyrenian morning and gearing for the day's adventures. Nearby, Blu rests upon the Clocktower, bathing in the dawn's light. | 1 | |
19:25, 22 March 2017 | GardenEncounter.jpg (file) | 461 KB | If you've ever been to the Lyceum Gardens in Cyrene, you'll find one corner with a wooden swing and a magnolia tree. Mediium - Watercolor pencil. | 1 | |
19:23, 22 March 2017 | MhaldorianSewerHunt.jpg (file) | 497 KB | This is a memorial painting to the first time, myself and the once Sentry Icaru, entered the Mhaldorian sewers to hunt some Mhun wealkings. In the picture we can see a Mhun Scout waiting for its prey and the Giant Lizard's eyes in the end of the tunnel. | 1 | |
19:22, 22 March 2017 | NorthreachHolocaust.jpg (file) | 176 KB | A magi of the Blood Congregation concentrates on forming a holocaust bomb to destroy the plant-life in an unprotected Northreach grove. | 1 | |
19:21, 22 March 2017 | AtavianNovice.jpg (file) | 84 KB | An Atavian novice collecting butterflies. She is wearing a cloak, belt, and her pack. Hanging from the belt are some recently deceased rats. A Summerstorm butterfly flies overhead, awaiting its capture. | 1 | |
19:13, 22 March 2017 | LukaHouseDefender.jpg (file) | 389 KB | Luka is a playful, highly affectionate she-wolf from the Crystal Realm. But, if you threaten that which she protects, the Arcane Kindred House, its house halls, or members, she can and will call upon the powers of the elements to defend them. | 1 | |
19:10, 22 March 2017 | TimeAsToad.jpg (file) | 186 KB | When you've ticked off a God, sometimes the best way to learn your lesson is to serve time having been turned into a toad. No-one would dare to see if a kiss could work. | 1 | |
19:09, 22 March 2017 | SiennaMischievousFalcon.jpg (file) | 361 KB | If you see me channeling, Air and Fire at my behest, you are far more likely to find me pondering some crafty illusion than anything destructive. Or possibly mourning the decay of the lovely gloves I was wearing back here. | 1 | |
19:07, 22 March 2017 | BoopalopiaMath.jpg (file) | 443 KB | Math in Bopalopia is hard... D: <br> Darn you accountant cows! | 1 | |
19:06, 22 March 2017 | TaugInvasionShallam.jpg (file) | 451 KB | Led in by devious raiders, Lord Taug looms above the bloody streets of Shallam as battle clashes below. | 1 | |
19:02, 22 March 2017 | AtavianBardToArcadia.jpg (file) | 441 KB | An atavian bard preparing to enter the gateway to Arcadiasures that he is never alone. | 1 | |
18:59, 22 March 2017 | SylvanSketch.jpg (file) | 95 KB | A Sylvan must appreciate the importance of physical combat. Fortunately, the ability to imbue his fists with the strength of stone and his skin with the resilience of a tree helps a lot. A waterweird ensures that he is never alone. | 1 | |
18:56, 22 March 2017 | MoonOverFounders.jpg (file) | 205 KB | A sketch in charcoal on parchment. Founders' Monument, Hashan. | 1 | |
18:55, 22 March 2017 | JourneyTsol'aaVillage.jpg (file) | 415 KB | Years ago as my waterweird and I journeyed through Muurn Lake, the Aalen Forest, and along the Aalen Stream, we came upon a magnificent forestal village. The treetop village of my racial ancestry, the Tsol'aa Village. | 1 | |
18:54, 22 March 2017 | Beginnersluck.jpg (file) | 484 KB | A novice overestimates her own strength. | 1 | |
18:52, 22 March 2017 | SelerinSelfPortrait.jpg (file) | 131 KB | Selerin sitting in the ever-so-colourful (and fashion-inspiring) Crystal Caverns located in Lord Scarlatti's Temple. Possibly enjoying a moment of silence broken only by the sound of the waterfall and her companion suicide mouse. | 1 | |
18:16, 22 March 2017 | RatsArtisanal.jpg (file) | 237 KB | "Come back here you...you... rats! This would be so much easier if you were bats!" | 1 | |
18:01, 22 March 2017 | CaerWitrinChristiane.jpg (file) | 463 KB | Christiane dancing on top of a hill overlooking Caer Witrin, with snow blossoms of course. | 1 | |
17:55, 22 March 2017 | AtavianSerpent.jpg (file) | 72 KB | Sapience is an odd and crazy land full of odd and crazed persons with odd and crazy ways to looking at things. This one is no exception. | 1 | |
17:53, 22 March 2017 | Haag.jpg (file) | 248 KB | That big old hag in that one swamp. I didn't care to stay long enough to get too good a look at her or her cottage... Scenic as it is, I can only stay in that place for so long before I get the urge to leave. | 1 | |
17:51, 22 March 2017 | KaiBanish.jpg (file) | 80 KB | With but a wave of a hand, and judicial application of Kai energy, a Monk can temporarily banish a foolish opponent away from this plane of existence, as this Sentinel found out the hard way. | 1 | |
17:49, 22 March 2017 | ThroughTheMaze.jpg (file) | 499 KB | A young priest got lost in Maim's maze and ran across the stuffed bear of Auntie Maim's nephew. Beware of the little undead! | 1 | |
17:48, 22 March 2017 | WardenOfTheSpire.jpg (file) | 424 KB | Atavian warden and novitiate near the gate of the Cerulean Spire. | 1 | |
17:45, 22 March 2017 | SerpentNoose.jpg (file) | 156 KB | While the Black Forest may be considered intimidating, I fancy these murky woodlands. The snake's rattle, faintly heard in the dark heart of the woods, soothes me. Its silly to fear vipers, when even the vines have higher lethality when tied right | 1 | |
17:08, 22 March 2017 | SybilsHomeHashan.jpg (file) | 461 KB | In Hashan's Old Quarter, a kindly old woman named Sybil - holding a grisly lamb bone -provides for the city's many stray dogs. | 1 | |
17:07, 22 March 2017 | ElementalismFromDamarisHashan.jpg (file) | 268 KB | Inspired by the stained glass windows in the Hall of Learning, this scene a human magi learning her final ability in elementalism. | 1 | |
17:06, 22 March 2017 | AltarOfPeaceHashan.jpg (file) | 492 KB | Standing in front of the Altar of Peace in Hashan. | 1 | |
17:05, 22 March 2017 | FoundersMonumentHashan.jpg (file) | 176 KB | It's a shame you can't fly over Hashan. I'd like to see the Founders' Monument, its amphitheatre and many statues from above. But I suppose it's magnificent enough from the ground, especially when Elentari is towering before you. | 1 | |
16:57, 22 March 2017 | BluOfCyrene.jpg (file) | 496 KB | I decided to illustrate Blu while he rests. Despite the peaceful surrounding, the Guardian of Cyrene remains vigilant. | 1 | |
16:56, 22 March 2017 | CloseCallCyrene.jpg (file) | 150 KB | Just above Center Crossing, a visiting Atavian Sentinel almost bumps into one of the drakes that circle the mountains around Cyrene. Wait, that drake looks huge compared to its ilk. Might that be...Blu? | 1 |