Elemental Lords

Elemental Lords are the elite of the Elemental Planes, granted great power by their connection to their respective element. Giving up the constraints of mortal flesh and bone to become living manifestations of primordial power, their limits are unknown. In the 759th year after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire, the adventurers of Achaea were deemed worthy to walk upon the Elemental Planes and upon said planes may, with sufficient investigation and dedication, uncover the means by which it is possible to transcend their natural forms and obtain this great boon.

Elemental Lord Base Statistics

Element Str Dex Con Int
Air 15 17 14 16
Fire 14 14 17 18
Earth 16 12 19 16
Water 16 15 17 17

Elemental Lord Characteristics

Air Lords

  • Have a level 2 resistance to magic damage.
  • Have a level 3 resistance to asphyxiation damage.
  • Have a level 2 resistance to electric damage.
  • Gain a 10% bonus to balance and equilibrium when flying.
  • Will never be blown about by the wind.
  • Will speak clearly regardless of how powerfully the wind blows.

- Wield the Duress skill.

Abilities in Battlerage

Bolt Like crushing a bug. Level: 6
Syntax: MANIFEST BOLT <target>
Required: 14 rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Denizens
Cooldown: 16.00 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Call down a lightning bolt to strike your target, causing them to suffer damage.
Note: {{{note}}}
Suffocate Choke them into infirmity. Level: 10
Syntax: AERO SUFFOCATE <target>
Required: 22 rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Denizens
Cooldown: 31.00 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Choke the breath from your target, causing them to become weak.
Note: {{{note}}}
Drill Pierce the heavens. Level: 14
Syntax: MANIFEST DRILL <target>
Required: 17 rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Denizens
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Form a drill from the very air itself, piercing through any magical shields your foes would attempt to cower behind.
Note: {{{note}}}
Pressurewave A crushing wave of pressurised air. Level: 18
Required: 36 rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Denizens
Cooldown: 23.00 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Direct a crushing wave of pressurised air at your target, dealing massive damage.
Note: {{{note}}}
Compress Crush the life from them. Level: 22
Syntax: AERO COMPRESS <target>
Required: 25 rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Denizens
Cooldown: 23.00 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Providing your target is sufficiently unable to prevent it(*), you may raise the pressure surrounding them, crushing them and causing massive damage.
  • Requires they be either stunned or afflicted with sensitivity.
Note: {{{note}}}
Vacuum Not even a single breath. Level: 26
Syntax: MANIFEST VACUUM <target>
Required: 18 rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Denizens
Cooldown: 25.00 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Create a vacuum around a target for a short time. The inability to draw in air will make healing health very difficult for a while(*).
  • Gives the inhibit affliction.
Note: {{{note}}}

Fire Lords

  • Have a level 2 resistance to magic damage.
  • Have a level 1 resistance to cutting damage.
  • Have a level 3 resistance to fire damage.
  • Have a slightly reduced mana cost when clotting.
  • Gain health from periodic ablaze damage rather than lose it.

- Wield the Ignition skill.

Earth Lords

  • Have a level 2 resistance to magic damage.
  • Have a level 1 resistance to cutting damage.
  • Have a level 1 resistance to blunt damage.
  • Have a level 3 poison resistance.
  • Have a chance not to consume a mineral when eating.
  • Wield the Sculpting skill

Abilities in Battlerage

Smash Beat them to death with your great stone fists. Level: 6
Syntax: TERRAN SMASH <target>
Required: 14 rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Denizens
Cooldown: 16.00 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Strike a foe with your great stone fists, dealing damage.
Note: {{{note}}}
Rockfall A stunning deluge of stone. Level: 10
Syntax: MANIFEST ROCKFALL <target>
Required: 26 rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Denizens
Cooldown: 33.00 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Manifest a cascading deluge of stone above your target, burying them under the downpour and stunning them.
Gives affliction: Stun
Note: {{{note}}}
Charge Crash through defensive barriers. Level: 20
Syntax: TERRAN CHARGE <target>
Required: 17 rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Denizens
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Wreathe yourself in the power of Garash, and charge straight through magical shields that your foe would attempt to guard against your assault with.
Note: {{{note}}}
Flurry A terrible onslaught indeed. Level: 35
Syntax: TERRAN FLURRY <target>
Required: 36 rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Denizens
Cooldown: 23.00 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Deliver a terrible onslaught of blows against a foe with your empowered fists, dealing massive damage.
Note: {{{note}}}
Magmaburst Strike them down with a column of magma. Level: 50
Required: 25 rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Denizens
Cooldown: 23.00 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Summon a column of magma to strike down a foe that is either clumsy or reckless, dealing massive damage.
Uses afflictions: Recklessness or Clumsiness
Note: {{{note}}}
Rampart You shall not be moved. Level: 65
Syntax: TERRAN RAMPART <target>
Required: 30 rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Adventurers
Cooldown: 40.00 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Move to stand before an ally, protecting them from half of all incoming damage for a time.
Note: {{{note}}}

Water Lords

  • Have a level 2 resistance to magic damage.
  • Have a level 2 resistance to blunt damage.
  • Have a level 3 resistance to cold damage.
  • Will never be moved by the pull of water currents.
  • Can walk on water.
  • Can breathe underwater.
  • Wield the Pervasion skill

Abilities in Battlerage

Icicles A rain of freezing death. Level: 6
Syntax: MANIFEST ICICLES <target>
Required: 14 rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Denizens
Cooldown: 16.00 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Forge an array of lethally sharp icicles from the vapour that eternally surrounds you, casting them at your target to deal damage.
Note: {{{note}}}
Dehydrate Leave them an uncoordinated fool. Level: 10
Required: 14 rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Denizens
Cooldown: 23.00 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Pull the sustaining fluids from your target, leaving them dizzy and entirely unable to act in a coordinated manner.
Gives affliction: Clumsiness
Note: {{{note}}}
Aquahammer Sometimes a less subtle approach is required. Level: 20
Required: 17 rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Denizens
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Form a giant hammer from water, then bring it down upon translucent shields to utterly destroy them.
Note: {{{note}}}
Needlerain One cannot outrun the rain. Level: 35
Required: 36 rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Denizens
Cooldown: 23.00 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Bring down an icy rain of needle-sharp spears upon your foe, dealing massive damage.
Note: {{{note}}}
Waterfall A terrible deluge indeed. Level: 50
Required: 25 rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Denizens
Cooldown: 23.00 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Bring down a deluge of water and ice upon a target, dealing massive damage providing they are either hindered by being weak or having the aeon affliction.
Uses afflictions: Weakness or Aeon
Note: {{{note}}}
Swell Reclaim your due. Level: 65
Syntax: MANIFEST SWELL <target>
Required: 30 rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Denizens
Cooldown: 42.00 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Draw the vital waters from your target, reducing their health periodically and bolstering your own(*).

* This is weaker damage than a standard damage over time battlerage attack due to healing you on each of the ticks.

Note: {{{note}}}