Located not far from the Cave of Maya, the Brass Lantern Inn is a welcoming stopping place for travellers traversing the length of the Prelatorian Highway, providing the essentials of food and shelter for reasonable prices.
The start of the cobblestone pathway that diverts to the inn is marked by a marble statue of a young woman holding a lantern. However, the inn actually derives its name from a brass lantern fountain located within the inn's gardens. In keeping with the theme, flowerbeds and wooden columns line the way to the inn, brass lanterns set into each column while brass sconces light up the corners of the main hall left untouched by the hearth fire's glow.
Further within the establishment, travellers will find a bar where food and drink can be purchased. Those preferring to keep to themselves may choose to dine in cosier corners a few paces away from the main hall, or move entirely to the more peaceful outdoor patio.
Local Denizens
The bar and adjoining areas are staffed by the following denizens:
- Kammie, a lean bartender
- Cherry, a vivacious tavern girl
- Eglentine, the cook
- Phillipa, a harassed chambermaid
- Jula
In addition to staff, several regulars can be found frequenting the bar:
Bar at the Brass Lantern Inn
- Hot toddy - 100gp
- A warm, sweet fragrance drifts upwards from the pale amber liquid within this short, stout goblet. The glass is extra thick to prevent scalding one's fingers from the heat of the toddy, a concoction of strong brandy, honey, and a dab of butter stirred into piping hot water. A stick of cinnamon floats inside, along with a slice of half-squeezed lemon studded with dark brown cloves. A sip of this would be enough to warm one even on the coldest winter day.
- Red wine - 100gp
- The ruby-red colour of the heated wine within this goblet is reminiscent of the seeds of a ripe pomegranate. The aroma of the steam that wafts from it, however, is tinged with citrus, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. A stick of cinnamon rests inside the glass, continuing to flavour the mulled wine.
- Shot of batflower liquer - 100gp
- This short glass vessel is splays out at the rim into several patterns, arrayed to resemble the folded wings of a bat. Within the glass, thick and bright red, a dense liqueur floats heavily, its colour reflective and its texture smooth. A sweet, slightly citrus aroma is discernible rising from the potent liquid inside the flowered shot glass.
- Snifter of corsair cognac - 120gp
- This vessel is a modified snifter, with a wide, round bottom and narrow rim. The exterior of the glass is painted a opaque, shimmering golden colour, and is only a shade or two different in hue than the liquid held within. Semi-translucent and syrupy, tiny golden flecks float in the pale yellow liquor held inside the snifter, catching and reflecting even the subtlest light in all directions.
- Black Oak whiskey - 125gp
- Served in a short, heavy bottomed glass, this Black Oak whiskey holds the rich aroma of oak barrels that the drink is aged in. Subtle lingering scents of herbs and a smoky note blend to create a distinctive fragrance. The liquid is a deep golden colour and the simple glass shows it off well; the only thing to draw the eye away is an etched image of a lantern upon the side.
- Honeyed short mead - 100gp
- Amber-hued mead fills this mug to the brim. Brewed hastily in the short style, the beverage is more effervescent than the normal mead, as bubbles escape the rim and exude a cider and honey smell as they pop. The mug is made of sturdy pewter that seems dented in places and much used.
- Flaming Berol - 50gp
- Hanging from the lip of a tall pint glass by a carefully crafted hook, a delicate shot of aromatic almond liqueur topped with a thin layer of overproof rum fills the air with the smell of rich alcohol. Pale, smooth lager half fills the conical pint glass itself, the amber liquid frothing to a white head.
- Mulled cider - 75gp
- Filling this simple earthenware mug is a fruity, golden cider, slight bubbles rising to the surface to gather in a loose foam that lingers around the rim of the glass. Lightly mulled, the fragrance of subtle spices rises from the drink and a slice of red apple bobs on top.
- Cloudy ale - 85gp
- This slightly beaten pewter tankard is filled to the brim with smooth cloudy ale, the head of the drink a thick layer of white foam on top. Engraved upon the side is a simple design of a lantern and the bottom is made from clear glass. The handle is sculpted in the shape of a bent branch, an acorn adorning the top.
- Bowl of steaming fiddleheads - 80gp
- Resembling the curled scroll of a fiddle or other, similar stringed instrument, these recently boiled leafy vegetables release a great deal of steam and with it, a delectable aroma. Sprinkled with large, visible granules of rock salt, the fiddleheads unfurl ever so slightly in their cooked state, revealing the delicate, underdeveloped and otherwise identical fern leaves curled within, attached to the main, fleshy stalk.
- Plate of curried rabbit - 80gp
- Bathed in a rich, meaty curried gravy of bright, vibrant yellow, a generous portion of rabbit lies diced and stewed upon the slightly concave surface of this shallow plate. Each tender morsel releases tendrils of thickly aroma-laced steam, and is flecked with flakes of pepper, garlic, and other, unidentifiable spices.
- Baked pelican - 95gp
- Marinated in salt, garlic, rosemary, and sage, then baked whole until the outer skin is crispy and golden brown, this pelican is dripping with savoury juices. The succulent waterfowl is served atop a wooden plate with a variety of buttery vegetables on the side.
- Beer-battered fish and fried potato wedges - 70gp
- Light and fluffy, the batter coating this catfish is golden and beautifully deep-fried. Each beer-battered filet is accompanied by a generous helping of potatoes cut into bite-sized wedges that have been fried and seasoned with a touch of salt, pepper, and spices for flavour. Completing the plate is a small cup of tartar sauce next to a pair of bright yellow lemon slices.
Poolside bar in the Iron Grotto
The Iron Grotto is a cavern pool behind the Brass Lantern Inn. A variety of palms are splayed about a poolside tiki bar, manned by Jula, and serving a number of tropical-themed drinks:
- Fruit wine (coconut shell cup) - 75gp
- Half of a coconut shell has been ingeniously turned into a cup. Cleaved by a sharp knife, the edges of the shell are buffed smooth to prevent any accidental injuries. The prickly texture of the shell has been left intact, allotting a design to the simple cup while the interior is smooth and polished creating a seamless container. A wedge of pineapple speared by a tiny wooden umbrella garnishes the drink, adding a tropical flavour and touch to the beverage.
- Cocktail (Sea Spray) - 105gp
- Thin glass tinted a rich cerulean hue forms a slender stem, topped by a round bowl of generous proportions, and a wide round foot to give it stability. The aroma of strawberries and pineapple clings to the glass whether full or empty, and a small paper umbrella rests upon the rim, lending an exotic and festive touch to the cocktail.
- Beer (frosted pint glass) - 75gp
- Smelling faintly of hops, this pint glass is thick and weighted at the bottom, chilled to give it a frosty appearance. The outside is etched with a drawing of a magnificent three-masted ship, the name "Hoalanatha" added below in a flowing script.
- Rum (cobalt-glazed mug) - 115gp
- This ceramic mug is handcrafted in a stout, cylindrical shape with a substantial handle on the side and covered in a vibrant cobalt glaze. The mug is slightly wider at the bottom, providing a stable base when set on unsteady tables or counters.