- This page is about the language of the Underrealm. For other uses, please see Underrealm (disambiguation)
The Underrealm language, also called Tsol'teth, is the tongue spoken almost exclusively within the confines of the Underrealm.
Known Underrealm words:
- aafla – one sixteenth of an Underrealm “day”
- agith – blue
- anzari – darkness
- bahar – storm
- bain - Earth
- balan – fortress
- caril – one sixteenth of an aafla
- dar - great
- dalam - memory
- dulkurio – thinking
- ele – river
- falaq – cold
- gattan – secret
- haila – dead
- ithin – element
- jio – hole
- kal – mighty
- kanit – war
- lier – hate
- ma – servant
- maal – dark
- niena — spirit
- qamad — peace
- raia – land, realm
- sa – greatest
- suremekh — poisonous
- tai – fang
- tarin – world
- terrin – drinker
- teth – war
- tezlari – light
- tor – tower
- tuuran – mountain
- urai – weaver
- ukia – blood
- vakha – racer
- yumap – piercing spear
It is known that proper Tsol'teth names were separated by apostrophes – as is common with all Tsol subraces – while the names of other creatures were hyphenated. For example: If "Caril Racer" (or alternatively, "Racer of the Caril") were to be used as a Tsol’teth name, it would be spelled "Caril'vakha." On the other hand, if a hobgoblin or other such slave were to go by this title, it would be spelled "Caril-vakha." Apostrophic notation was reserved solely for the Tsol'teth; when referring to anything else, such as places, events, or things, the hyphens of slave notation are used.
Tsol'teth names never had a prefix before them denoting degrees of power, such as "Mighty" or "Great." It can be assumed that such things were taken as granted in Underrealm society.
Some common Underrealm terms:
- Anzari-tarin – World of Darkness. This refers to the Underrealm itself.
- Dar-tezlari-kanit - Great War of Light. This refers to the War of the Deeps.
- kal-tai-vakha – Mighty Fang Racers. These were creatures constantly at war with the Tsol’teth.
- Tezlari-tarin – World of Light. This refers to the surface world of Sapience.
- Tezlari-yumap – Piercing Spear of Light. This refers to the sun.
- Tezlari-ma - Servant of Light. This refers to Seleucar.