Revision as of 16:37, 25 November 2005 by Maya (talk | contribs)
Welcome to the Archives of Achaean Lore!
What are the Archives?
  • A player-written encyclopedia for the vast virtual world of Achaea.
  • A compendium of history, mythology, bestiary, geography, and other studies of Achaea.
  • A place where new and old explorers and lore-lovers of Achaea can share and expand their knowledge.
What are the Archives not?
  • The Archives run on MediaWiki software, but it is not a pure wiki. That means not anyone can contribute; editing is restricted-access only.
  • They are not the be-all, end-all of authority on Achaea information. Though we'll do our best to make sure there is no misinformation within these pages, most entries are contributed by players and not by the administration of Achaea and any information that cannot be verified on the official website, within the game, or directly from the Achaea administration should be taken with a grain of salt. That said, our Chroniclers are unparallelled in their depth of Achaea knowledge, from the epic histories to the most trivial minutiae, and this disclaimer is meant as no slight to them.
So I'm here. Where do I go?
  • You can search for anything you like,
  • Browse the available Categories,
  • See what's been changed or added recently in the Recentchanges page,
  • And much more. Check out the sidebar!
But doesn't this defeat the purpose of finding knowledge within the game?
  • Quest information and information that helps you further your character in the game will not be included in the Archives, excepting in certain special contexts.
  • Those who wish to gain information solely through their characters in Achaea may still do so; this supplementary material is an optional tool, not a forced replacement.
  • There will still be much in Achaea not accessible here, such as the esoteric knowledge of Houses and Divine Orders.
Why can't I create an account?
  • Only those approved to contribute to the Archives may create an account.
Who can contribute?

The Chroniclers of Lore are the approved contributors to the Archives.

Where can I report misinformation, voice comments, or ask questions?

You can send an email to