Ioje Compound
Ioje is a compound in the branches of Yggdrasil. High walls and razor-sharp fences surround the Ioje Compound, situated beneath the blistering sun of Frysta on an arid, dusty world. Rajamala slavers call the compound home, plying their foul trade under direction of the Procurer. Escape is rare and risky, yet even as the ruthless rajamala venture into the World Tree in search of fresh, pliable assets, the compound faces resistance, the names "Eoleli" and "Quaskan" uttered with disgust and revulsion through the highest echelons of Ioje command.
- The whorehouse
- The fighting pits
- The education centre
- The detainment area
- The administrative centre
The Ioje Compound is inhabited by rajamala slavers and slaves, including the following named denizens.
- Ovoa, the Proprietor
- Jossoi, the General
- Maimo, the Overseer
- Yili, the Procurer