Aspirations of a Paladin Squire

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By: Lavar Posted on: March 21, 2004

(Although the actual owner of the pen which copied these humble words is unknown, it is by the contributor's words that we are made aware of the composer of this piece of musical literature. It is during many late summer nights in Sapience, just south of Shallam, that if one were to wander the hills for a bit, they would hear the sweet sounds of a lyre playing a jolly, happy tune… accompanied by one squire's dreamy lyrics).

O the mighty Paladins

Defenders of the Faith

Fighting for all that's good and right

O the mighty Paladins

Protectors of the Truth

From the smallest squire to the Champion Knight

O the mighty Paladins

Bathed in holy fire

Masters of the power of the blade

O the mighty Paladins

Both noble and pure

Restoring all the land ‘twich it was made

From the northern forests of Sapience

To the southern mountain range

From Polyargos to Ulangi just the same

We wield our swords for Justice

For the innocent and weak

And banish evil back from whence it came

Though just a novice squire now

My course is straight and firm

For I long to see all Sapience set free

O the mighty Paladins

My brothers, proud and strong

A Knight is what this squire longs to be!

- Lavar, Squire to Sir Aoelithon