A Bard's Challenge

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By: Nizana Posted on: June 30, 2015

"Ah.. Azdun.." He murmured to himself, smiling pleasantly as he strolled down into the tunnels.

Rhythmic 'plink plink' sounds of goblins mining and tunneling in the distance provided a base for him as he begins to hum softly and, with a flourish, he draws his rapier. Giving his rapier a glance, he points it down a side tunnel and declares, his voice booming, "Come! I challenge thee to the grandest of duels, Spider Queen!"

Having issued his challenge, he smirks and begins to strut down the tunnel but notices the lack of mining in the other direction. Stopping, he frowns slightly with thought before turning in the other direction, down another tunnel.

"Yes.. Yes.. this will make for an excellent edition to my epic.. En garde!" He shouts as he assumes a defensive stance, his body poised and prepared.

Motion, his eyes quickly count three goblins, one larger than the other two, charging in his direction. Waiting for them to get close, he shifts his stance slightly and sidesteps the first goblin, letting it barrel past him. Without missing a beat, he leaps the second goblin, giving it a firm kick to the back of the head before landing, crouched, and rolling aside as the larger goblin slams a pick into the ground where he stood.

"Well done!" The bard states as he rises to his feet smoothly and, with the blade of his rapier, slaps the goblin's hand. The goblin jerks its hand from the pick in surprise as the bard hums a soft note. His rapier repeats the note as the bard lunges forward, his rapier thrusting into the goblin's shoulder. As the weapon hits, a loud percussive blast issues out and knocks the goblin back into a wall, stunning the creature.

"And with ease, the clever bard dispatches one opponent, leaving him to face down two more!" The bard laughs as he turns towards the other two goblins, now watching him cautiously, and gives his weapon a swift flourish, "However, both goblins watched him warily. They shall not be taken down as swiftly as their leader."

As if narrating a story, the bard continues as the goblins charge in to attack him. "With expert poise and skillful swordwork, the bard.." He pauses as his weapon blurs, parrying first one goblin's attack before cutting the chest of the other, all while dancing in and out of reach of both. "..parries, dodges, and counterattacks! Such finesse! Such power!" A forceful kick to the face sends one goblin reeling with a broken nose, "A veritable force of nature! A man who cannot be stopped!" The other goblin, growing increasingly intimidated as the fight progresses turns, and begins to run away.

"And yet.. merciful." The bard chuckles as he gives his weapon a flick to the side before sheathing it at his hip, "My challenge was not to you, goblins. I have bigger targets in mind." He gives a wink as he turns and begins to whistle softly, obviously confident about his chances. A final echo sounds from the distance as the other goblins recover and begin to stumble back to their mining, "This will be the best chapter, yet."