Crafting Standards
Appearance Description
- Should not begin with a capital letter and can NOT end with a period.
- Also the appearance should be kept short (around 5 words max).
- Don't make a sentence out of it.
- Don't write about any actions or reactions the item is having.
Dropped Description
- It must be a complete sentence, with a period on the end.
- No exclamation points, no question marks, no multiple periods.
- The main noun in the sentence must be the same as the pattern name.
- Things like "A cloak is hanging from a peg here." are not acceptable. If it were dropped on the highway there is no peg to hang from.
- Dropped description should be kept to about one line.
Examined Description
- Must begin with a capital letter and must end with a period. Use full sentences. Multiple sentences are fine.
- Be descriptive.
- Examined description should be a few sentences long describing what the item looks like.
Material Guidelines
- Nothing that a craftsman could not reasonably create.
- Use appropriate materials. You can't make a shirt out of living skin or pure gold.
- Achaea also does not have "modern" materials and clothing features like velcro, denim, polyester (or any synthetic fabric), zippers, sweatshirts, and so on.
- Metal that may not be used is mithril, orichalcum, and bloodsteel.
Jewellery Specific
- Wood is may not be used in jewellery.
- Nothing that is alive or was previously alive (excluding bone?) maybe used in jewellery.
- Use UK, not US spellings. (Except when using measurements, in which case use Imperial.)
- Organisation names should be capitalised.
- The possessive form of common nouns ending in 's' should retain the possessive 's', example: dress's.