Is the year format "479AF" or "479 AF"? Or "A.F."? :P --Slurpz 16:39, 8 May 2008 (GMT)
- No particular protocol on this one either! You can bring it up in our forums too, for a poll if you like. Asara 16:53, 8 May 2008 (GMT)
"Currently" makes it sound as if we haven't always used "AF" or that it won't always be "AF". I don't think "after the fall" is supposed to be capitalised. Also, isn't "BF" used for "before the fall"? --Slurpz 19:16, 8 May 2008 (GMT)
- I added the "currently" modifier because time was counted before Seleucar Fell, and thus AF wouldn't make sense as time's unit at that point. I capitalised after and fall in "After the Fall" to emphasize where the abbreviations came from, but feel free to change if you wish. Regarding BF, I have never heard of that personally, but if that has true usage in canon, then the "currently" modifier is all the more appropriate. Asara 21:36, 8 May 2008 (GMT)